Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine and Community Health

Could BSc. Clinical Medicine be Africa’s next hope? It is vividly clear that more African countries are picking interest in the BSc Clinical Medicine and Community Health Program.
Africa as a continent is still struggling with a lot of health challenges, most recent being an increase in non-communicable diseases.
With communicable diseases still at the peak, Africa’s hope lies in grooming medical professionals who are highly competent in providing curative and preventive disease control measures at both facility and community levels. BSc Clinical Medicine was carefully created to serve this purpose.

Rwanda seems to be spearheading the drive and train and recruit BSc Clinical Medicine graduates. Kenya and Zambia too are following suit. Many counties will soon will be taking up this program.
The BSc. Clinical Medicine and Surgery is completed over 4 years. Students study the biomedical and clinical sciences such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathology in the first and second years followed by the clinical subjects (medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology) and research in the following years.

The third and fourth year also involves supervised clinical practice and internship in teaching hospitals where they rotate in all the departments, receive bedside lectures, attend consultants' ward rounds, clerk patients and present medical histories, perform deliveries and first-assist in major surgery.
They also attend clinical meetings and write prescriptions which at this stage must be counter-signed by a supervising clinician. There is special emphasis on primary care with modules on community health taught throughout the course.
What is your input on what should be done to make the Clinical Medicine Profession better and greater than it is? Your comments are allowed below.


  1. True we need more clinicians to ease burden of communicable dses

    1. Enter your *My thinking*
      Imagine of this courses and their impact on the Kenyan health system and market for graduates :

      A BSc clinical medicine and community health (for form 4 leavers and non specialist officers) .


      BSc clinical medicine, anaesthesia & critical care option.

      BSc clinical medicine, ENT & audiology option.

      BSc clinical medicine and ophthalmology option

      BSc clinical medicine, orthopedics option .

      BSc clinical medicine Dermatology option .

      BSc clinical medicine, Oncology & palliative care option

      BSc clinical medicine, Psychiatry option

      BSc clinical medicine, internal medicine option.

      BSc clinical medicine, Radiography option

      Such education options would improve the quality of care, create jobs and expertise .

      Long ago all the surgeons had to start with general surgery before specializing but nowadays they are specializing right from the word go...

  2. This a good idea, specialty and msc skin and venerealogy /dermatology

  3. Indeed, cGod bless the clinical medicine family. Strongly interested in Bsc CM, anaesthesia & critical care.

  4. U are this uhc will be achived.

  5. Together we can make change as Clinicians

  6. Can we have a serious study done about the impact and worthiness of CLINICAL OFFICERS in matters health. A term paper well presented to the ministry of health.These are legals tools that will liberate us.No complaints or comparison again.We are our own in a group of different Health professinals.The future is bright.I choose to stand for the sake of us.

  7. We need bsc cm anaesthesia and critical care special in rural region e

  8. For sure the clinical medicine has of recent seen alot of growth. This is one of the most significant achievement. We surely need this in Kenya.
    However, there is need for clinicians to start specialising as early as possible. We waste alot af time from diploma to degree clinical medicine (general). Instead, we can follow the example of Malawi where you can do a bachelor's degree in your field of interest from diploma.
    This will add value to our fraternity.

  9. What a superb citation on clinical medicine


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