SET BY: Suleiman Ndoro Jnr (Dr Audi)
inability to identify an object using one or more of the senses is:
ApraxiaB. Amnesia
C. Agnosia
D. Aphasia
C: Agnosia is the inability to
identify an object using one or more of the senses. The diagnosis is clinical often
including neuropsychologic testing, with brain imaging (CT, MRI) to identify
cause. Agnosias are uncommon and have no specific treatment, although
occupational therapy may help patients compensate.
Regarding Bell’s palsy, which statement is false?
It is more common in male young adultsB. It may be due to reactivation of latent HSV-1 infection
C. 80% of patients recover spontaneously within 12weeks
D. Examination reveals an ipsilateral LMN facial nerve palsy
A: Idiopathic facial nerve palsy or
Bell’s palsy is a common condition affecting all ages and both sexes
3. Which of the following is a feature of
upper motor neuron (UMN) lesion?
.AtrophyB. Fasciculation
C. Hypereflexia
D. Hypotonia
C: Features of upper motor neuron (UMN)
lesion include; hyperactive reflexes, hypertonia and unlike lower motor neuron
(LMN) lesion it lacks atrophy and fasciculation, though atrophy may occur with
prolonged limb disease. LMN lesion present with atrophy, fasciculation and
descended/absent reflexes and tone
Regarding viral encephalitis, which is false?
A. Seizures affect approximately 40% of
patientsB. CSF usually contains excess lymphocytes
C. HSV-1 encephalitis is focal
D. In CMV encephalitis, temporal lobe are usually primarily affected
D: In herpes simplex encephalitis,
temporal lobes are usually primarily affected; CMV encephalitis affects areas
adjacent to ventricles (ventriculitis).
5. Which of the following is false about CNS neoplasm?
A. Most CNS tumors remain confined
to the cranial cavity and spinal cordB. Meningiomas are the most common
C. Most common intracranial neoplasms in adults are brain metastasis from other primary sites
D. All CNS tumors have malignant potential in that they may recur
B: Among primary CNS tumors in adults, gliomas are the most common (approximately
50%), followed by meningiomas (approximately 25%)
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